Scenario Planning

Scenario planning is a common technique used in government, academia, and businesses in a variety of industries to identify new opportunities. Scenario planning is a special kind of brainstorming that structures assumptions and a perspective of the future (the scenario) so that a group of people can imagine, in detail, how that future might affect […]

Sensitivity Analysis

A procedure in budgeting that uses incremental adjustments to parameters (such as price and sales) to test the effects on growth or company performance. Sensitivity analysis can help companies determine which parameters have the most effect on revenues. Though useful, sensitivity analysis is sometimes criticized because it deals with only parameter of change at a […]


The common term for the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002. This set of laws significantly changed accounting and audit standards for public companies in order to improve the accuracy of financial disclosures and protect investors from corporate fraud. The act has significantly increased accounting and audit costs for companies but […]