WEEE Recycling Directive
EU legislation that sets criteria for the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment. It makes producers (manufacturers, sellers and resellers of own-brand equipment, and importers and exporters) responsible for financing most of these activities. This directive requires the collection and treatment of any electrical or electronic equipment which is waste including all components, sub-assemblies and consumables, which are part of the product at the end-of-the products life or at the time of discarding. In addition, it requires producers to organize “take back supply chain” for customers to return items when their use is finished. Every producer must also provide information on re-use and treatment for new EEE within one year of placing it onto the market, in order to inform re-use centers, treatment and recycling facilities.
Due to the global economy, this directive has become a global standard.
European Commission Waste Policy Homepage
Brady Corporation’s Exhaustive Site on RoHS & WEEE
US Department of Commerce Portal on RoHS & WEEE Resources
WEEE Recycling Directory
The WEEE directive in the UK has been organised so that it is not the responsibility of the supplier to arrange take back. The producer or supplier is required to join a compliance scheme and the scheme arranges for takeback by registered recyclers. Monies from the scheme pay for the recycler to fulfill the compliance of the WEEE directive, which includes the issuing of evidence notes, which are totalled up an submitted to the EU.