Clear Cutting

A process where all trees in a selected area are felled in a logging operation. Although some areas may be planted, seeded or naturally regenerated, the effect on the environment can be extremely destructive. The act of clear cutting is not only damaging to the structure and function of the forest, but in particularly erosion-prone areas the loss of root structures significantly affects water quality, and leads to the loss and fragmentation of nutrient rich soil, creating a lack of regenerative biomass and reduces primary growth. It is the most devastating and most cost-effective means known to harvest high yields of timber rapidly.


Clearcutting. (2011). Wikipedia. Retrieved March 12, 2011 from

What is clearcutting: This method of logging can destroy an area’s ecological integrity. (2000). NRDC. Retrieved March 12, 2011 from

Beckiel, A., and Gorte, R. (1992). Clearcutting in the National Forests. (92-607 ENR). Washington, DC: National Council for Science and the Environment. Retrieved March 12, 2011, from

Light Party (1996). Clear-cutting blamed for many mudslides. Retrieved from


One Response to “Clear Cutting”
  1. …affects water quality not only locally but water-based ecosystems throughout the downstream watershed from the clearcut.

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