Customer Experience

The entire experience a customer has with an organization’s product or service as important to the value that product, service, or brand has to the customer, as well as the relationship built between the product, service, or organization that provides it. The experience is, often, more than the features or use or the product or […]

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

A business outlook that acknowledges responsibilities to stakeholders not traditionally accepted, including suppliers, customers, and employees as well as local and international communities in which it operates and the natural environment. There are few accepted standards and practices so far, but a growing concern that the actions organizations take have no unintended consequences outside the […]


A phrase invented by Walter R. Stahel in the 1970s and popularized by William McDonough and Michael Braungart in their 2002 book of the same name. This framework seeks to create production techniques that are not just efficient but are essentially waste free. In cradle-to-cradle production, all material inputs and outputs are seen either as […]

Core Competencies

The primary skills, abilities, and knowledge used to excel at a particular endeavor. Businesses tend to focus on their core competencies in an effort to take advantage of “what they are good at.” Often, core competencies may go unrecognized within an organization that focuses too much on their markets, products, and services and not their […]


The natural balance of healthy ecosystems in which growth is based on innovations brought about by competition and markets are made viable and stable by cooperation. Both are necessary for a healthy, growing market, industry, or economy.


The opposite of competition, cooperation is two entities working together towards a common goal. In business, there are many ways in which organizations cooperate in order to compete at more valuable and sophisticated levels. For example, many technology companies cooperate in setting and producing to standards in order to create a more viable market more […]


An individual or household that purchases and uses products and services. In sustainable management there is a trend to rethink the notion of a consumer who “uses things up” and, instead, strive to serve customers with services that meet their needs without depleting as many resources. In marketing, the trend is to speak of “customers” […]


The ability of a company to attract customers over other solution providers.

Competitive Advantage

The ability one organization has to outperform others in producing products and services of higher quality, lower price, or of greater value for customers. To be a truly effective the advantage must be: • Difficult to mimic • Unique • Sustainable • Superior to the competition • Applicable to multiple situations


Hypercomptetition Cooperation Coopetition